We have to let them see our feelings so they can know us. And, so they can build and wire and expand their empathy systems. Bubble wrapping our children from parental feelings seems to a be a product of 1970s psychology and the "parentified child" phenomenon which we clearly took way too far. Of course, we don't want our kiddos believing they have to prop us up or that they are responsible for our stability. But it is in their relationship with us that they learn about relationship!
Oh man, this is so good. We need to have room to be 3-D humans, too, not just because it's good for us, but because it's good for them to expect parents/mothers/women to be complex people, too, not just placid servants. It's been a long day, so maybe that word choice is a little extreme, but you feel me. Keep writing. This shit is medicine.
I truly love this, and I keep thinking about it.
Good, cause I keep crying :)
We have to let them see our feelings so they can know us. And, so they can build and wire and expand their empathy systems. Bubble wrapping our children from parental feelings seems to a be a product of 1970s psychology and the "parentified child" phenomenon which we clearly took way too far. Of course, we don't want our kiddos believing they have to prop us up or that they are responsible for our stability. But it is in their relationship with us that they learn about relationship!
Well said Beth - each parenting generation is just a reaction to the last :)
Oh man, this is so good. We need to have room to be 3-D humans, too, not just because it's good for us, but because it's good for them to expect parents/mothers/women to be complex people, too, not just placid servants. It's been a long day, so maybe that word choice is a little extreme, but you feel me. Keep writing. This shit is medicine.