Beautiful essay, Sarah. You capture the heartbreak we feel, the need to cry it out and the need to take some action toward “goodness”. The lies, misinformation, threats and the dismantling of agencies that offered care, aid, support. So painful. And good is out there. Good people with open hearts who will figure out ways to give and care and protest.

Thanks for putting into words our deep, scary feelings

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Excellent recommendations, excellent writing. Thank you for sharing all of it. 💜

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Thank YOU

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“I could have made a hundred cupcakes, a thousand, a trillion” 💛

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you should see my kitchen

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The cupcakes, the food drop off, the neighbor intro! You’re an inspiration, truly. And ty for laughing in the dark with me.

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And they were the best damn cupcakes a girl ever had. Love these reflections and feels. Xo

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I have been chasing spurts of activism with “Ted Lasso,” so I feel you big time here ❤️

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Love this Sarah, beautifully written!

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Gilmore Girls is an important stage of grief. It was my go to one of my post partum stretches when I was awake at 3am mourning the concept of sleep. Now that I am not in a post partum, sleepless nights, thank god. I am taking refuge in rest and care so that I can keep showing up. That's all I got--keep showing up. Beautiful essay!

Also,Kathryn Jezer Morton's article was just spot on, thanks for the link.

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