Y'all just made me cry through BOTH parts of this. Thanks for sharing your perspectives on what has become an utter mess of a Hunger Games. Bless you for lifting up the teachers who are not only *not* the enemy, they are the literal goddamn heroes of this grand experiment in bullshit.

Also, "stressxausted" has become my new favorite word.

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Oh man, Hunger Games is apt Genie!

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Totally agree. That's the perfect metaphor.

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I appreciate this so much. Why are we, as a country, so quick to "pick on the little guy", in this case teachers and schools? When did it become so hard to hold two thoughts at once, acknowledge two things can be true at the same time? That it can be hard for everyone at the same time, but in hugely different ways, some self caused, most system caused?

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Jamethiel you are calling out such a big theme of this time - that things are complicated, and good and bad and people are trying their best.

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So, so well put. Thanks for this.

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Obviously weeping over here. I love this exchange. I'm so tired of the blame and vitriol, particularly when it's White folks pointing the fingers. Let's build. Let's nourish. Let's rage against the system together. Let's reimagine it. Let's follow the lead of parents of color who have never been served well by our schools and have had to do life anyway. They've got plenty of experience we can learn from.

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I just want to make it very clear to anybody who did not enjoy this exchange that Sarah Wheeler and I are blameless and that you should direct all complaints to Courtney Martin, as she's the one who introduced us.

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Love this and every one of your posts. I've told my kids' teachers thank you many times over, but you just inspired to send them notes asking what I can DO to help.

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