There is a loneliness I have felt on vacation that this describes better than any other piece of writing I've ever read. Thanks friend. You're so talented. You're so hot in that high wasted suit, I just know it.
Sarah, I love these glimpses into your life and thoughts and heart. What a blessing, that we got that good visit when I was in Calif. in Feb. 2020, Just Before...
Someday the border will open again (please, goddess, not too soon!)
I’m a new reader and mom of a neuroatypical kiddo and I absolutely adore your newsletters- this one was completely enchanting!! Thank you, love it!!
Thanks Jessica! Welcome! These posts might interest you or inspire you to gently school me on some things :)
There is a loneliness I have felt on vacation that this describes better than any other piece of writing I've ever read. Thanks friend. You're so talented. You're so hot in that high wasted suit, I just know it.
the waist is SO high but, yes, yes I am. oh the loneliness - i didnt find that word but it's so accurate
I want a New Yorker profile on the first family who engaged in vacation cereal.
um, i think it was the wheelers. though, mind you, you still only get to have HALF a bowl of sugar cereal. most of our vacations were pretty tame....
Enjoy, enjoy, Storyteller! Keep the tales coming. Say hello to all from Pam and me.
Sarah, I love these glimpses into your life and thoughts and heart. What a blessing, that we got that good visit when I was in Calif. in Feb. 2020, Just Before...
Someday the border will open again (please, goddess, not too soon!)
we'll be there! the legend of lasqueti lives :)
I love this post so much. That is all.
Thanks Genie! Still planning on Michelle's 9am class tomorrow from vacation land!
Beautiful. Can see it alllll. Inspired me to pick up my pen and write a poem
After a couple month hiatus.
F yes Jessica! I would not have believed I could write as much as once a week, and sometimes I don't want to, but it does feel good :)